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Whartons Jellytic Growth Factors – Hollywood, FL

Effective Treatment for Inflammation and Pain

For individuals dealing with persistent pain or who have injuries that just do not seem to heal, the team at the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics in Hollywood offers several options. Among them, Whartons Jellytic growth factors are a true standout. They are an effective treatment for inflammation and pain. They are also convenient, and best of all, are able to provide long-term results. They are one of the top choices in the realm of regenerative medicine .

Could Whartons Jellytic growth factors be the treatment your body needs to thrive? Read this page to find out more about it, and then get in touch with us to schedule a consultation.

Why Choose the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics for Whartons Jellytic Growth Factors?

  • Highest-Quality Medications for Optimum Results
  • Guided Injections for Precise Administration of Treatment
  • Compassionate, Highly Experienced Orthopedic Team

Whartons Jellytic Growth Factors: The Basics

Doctor holding long needle used for Whartons Jellytic fluid extraction

The term “Whartons Jellytic growth factors” points to the source of this treatment. It is derived from the innermost layer of a human placenta, which is donated by mothers who deliver their babies via C-section. The process of collecting the growth factors is very safe and does not harm the mother or her infant.

After the Whartons Jellytic fluid is obtained, it is process and refined. The result is a substance that is rich in both precursor cells (such as stem cells) and growth factors. Growth factors are vitamins, hormones, or other substances that are important for stimulating growth and regeneration in living organisms.

How Whartons Jellytic Growth Factors Heal the Body

Patient receiving injection in knee joint

Whartons Jellytic growth factor therapy involves precise, guided injections. The growth factors are carefully deposited both in and near damaged tissues. The goal is to instigate a reaction that spurs the damaged tissues to heal themselves.

Essentially, the growth factors serve as fuel that your body utilizes to create new tissues. The injections place the fuel exactly where it needs to be so it can heal you as efficiently as possible.

After you undergo this therapy, you are likely to notice a large reduction in pain and inflammation. When it is used to heal joints, it can contribute to an increase in both strength and mobility. Additionally, because this treatment encourages healing, rather than just masking painful symptoms, it can provide results that last for several years.

Conditions that Can Be Treated with Whartons Jellytic Growth Factors

Mature woman smiling and stretching after Whartons Jellytic growth factor treatment

Our team is proud to have already helped many patients benefit from Whartons Jellytic growth factor therapy. It may be beneficial for you if you are suffering from a range of musculoskeletal injuries, such as partially torn ligaments, tendons, and muscles. It can even slow down joint degradation due to osteoarthritis and possibly help you avoid the need for surgery. Whether your pain comes from your neck, back, shoulders, hips, ankles, knees, or feet, this treatment may be able to help. It has even shown promise as a therapy for patients with disorders that slow down their body’s ability to heal, such as diabetes or autoimmune conditions.

Whartons Jellytic Growth Factors FAQs

Senior woman exercising with small dumbbells

Whartons Jellytic growth factor therapy is a remarkable form of regenerative medicine. It has helped countless patients, and it may be able to help you as well! Before you book a consultation, though, you may want to know more about this treatment and what to expect from it. Below, you will find answers to some FAQs about Whartons Jellytic growth factors. If your specific questions are not mentioned here, give us a call — we will be happy to speak with you!

Are the Injections Painful?

We want our patients to be comfortable, so we use local anesthetic during the injection process. As the anesthetic wears off, you are likely to notice some discomfort and soreness. After all, the Whartons Jellytic growth factor solution was injected into the deeper tissues of your body!

Most patients find that any pain associated with their treatment starts to wear off within 1 – 3 days. In the meantime, it would be wise to take it easy. You can take acetaminophen if necessary to mitigate your discomfort.

Do I Have to Do Anything Special to Prepare for My Treatment?

It is pretty easy to prepare for Whartons Jellytic growth factor injections. One important step you should take is to stop using anti-inflammatory medications about 7 days prior to your treatment. This includes common substances like ibuprofen and naproxen. You should stop using them because inflammation is part of your body’s healing response, and reducing inflammation could negatively affect the results of your Whartons Jellytic growth factor injections.

There are a couple of other things you can do to prepare for your appointment. For example, you should wear a loose, comfortable outfit. We also recommend that you drink some water beforehand so you are well-hydrated.

Does Insurance Cover Whartons Jellytic Growth Factor Injections?

Health insurance policies vary greatly in the coverage they provide. You should look at the details of your unique policy to learn how it might apply to Whartons Jellytic growth factor injections.

Most insurance companies consider this therapy to be investigational. In other words, they recognize that it shows promise, but they have not yet accepted it as a mainstream treatment (despite the consistently positive results it produces). Therefore, you should not expect it to be covered. Our team can help you find out for sure how your benefits might apply.

Are There Any Risks Associated with Whartons Jellytic Growth Factor Injections?

All medical procedures come with at least a small amount of risk. However, Whartons Jellytic growth factor injections are one of the safest treatments you could commit to. Adverse reactions to it are quite rare. The most common side effect is temporary pain and achiness at the injection site.

Is Whartons Jellytic Growth Factor Therapy the Same as Whartons Jellytic Stem Cell Therapy?

Different medical practices may place slightly different labels on similar treatments. Therefore, we cannot say if the Whartons Jellytic growth factor they offer is the same as Whartons Jellytic stem cell therapy that you might receive elsewhere. It would be wise to ask a lot of questions before you commit to any specific treatment.

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