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Pain Management – Hollywood, FL

Don’t Let Pain
Run Your Life Anymore

Instead of relying on medication, you can find relief from chronic back pain and a number of degenerative spinal and joint conditions with interventional and integrative injections here at the Institute of Non-Surgical Orthopedics. It often only takes a few injections to help patients completely recover from their back pain. Call today to schedule an appointment for pain management in Hollywood, FL.

Why Choose the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics
for Pain Management?

  • Trigger Point Injections Address the Source of Pain
  • Surgery-Free Solutions for Chronic Pain
  • Fast BOTOX Treatment for Stopping Migraines

Trigger Point Injections

A trigger point is a spot on your body that is constantly in extreme pain or is highly sensitive. Trigger point injections can be used to stop the pain and allow the body to start recovering so that the trigger point eventually goes away. The injections usually involve lidocaine or another local anesthetic. We’ll make the injection directly to the area in question in order to reduce the pain; this should also prevent any muscle spasms that could worsen the condition.

Interventional Spine Injections

The spine is made up of a number of different elements; as such, back pain can stem from any number of sources, including the bones, spinal nerves, spinal discs, muscles, and tendons. We need to identify the part of the body that’s causing the pain in order to offer effective treatment. Once we’ve figured out the part of your back that’s causing the problem, we can perform a precisely targeted interventional spine injection that targets the exact area in question. The injection may involve anesthetics, corticosteroids, prolotherapy, PRP, or Whartons Jellytic growth factors depending on the situation.


Viscosupplementation is a special kind of injection that is used specifically to treat joints that have become stiff and painful. It is FDA approved for knee osteoarthritis, but it can be applied to any joint. The injection contains a substance that can act like the normal joint fluid that allows the joint to move normally without causing irritation. If the joints have become irritated due to bone-on-bone contact or cartilage deterioration (a common side effect of osteoarthritis), viscosupplementation can help reduce symptoms and lead to dramatic relief for 6 to 18 months, during which time additional treatments can be used to repair the damage.

Facet & Epidurals Blocks

We may prescribe epidurals and facet injections in order to treat back pain. Epidural Steroid Injections can come in transforaminal, interlaminar, or caudal forms. Each type of injection is administered to the area over the thick membrane protecting your spinal cord known as the dura mater. Fluoroscopic or ultrasound visualization will be used to make the injection as accurately as possible. We can use facet and epidural blocks to treat disc herniations, sciatica, stenosis, and a variety of other conditions known to cause back pain.

Learn More About Facet & Epidurals Blocks

Radiofrequency Ablation

After diagnostic interventional injections have been made, we may recommend Radiofrequency Ablation, or RFA. A needle that emits radiofrequency energy is inserted in order to target the specific joints and nerve blocks that control pain in your spine. By denaturing the nerve with radiofrequency energy, we can stop it from sending pain signals to the brain.

Botox for Migraine, Spasticity, and Cervical Dystonia

BOTOX isn’t just for correcting wrinkles anymore. The properties of the botulinum toxin used in BOTOX injections can be used for pain relief as well. When administered to specific muscles, BOTOX significantly reduces stiffness and tightness related to muscle spasticity. It is also a possible solution for chronic migraines or dystonia depending on the root cause of the condition.

Chronic Pain Management

Our experts at the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics have been trained to treat chronic pain without surgery or excessive amounts of medication. The process may involve multiple physical interventions and injections, or we might use specific medical management techniques. Either way, we always favor the least invasive and least toxic approach when helping our patients.

Medical Marijuana

Given its reputation, some patients have reservations about using medical marijuana. Rest assured, however, that there are many studies providing evidence that medical marijuana, when used in a controlled manner, can be an extremely useful tool in relieving chronic pain as you age. Some people use it instead of constantly relying on Advil or Aleve. We will take your specific symptoms and the severity of your pain into account before we recommend medical marijuana, and we’ll be more than happy to answer any questions you have about this form of treatment.

Radiofrequency Ablation Frequently Asked Questions

If you would like to know more about radiofrequency ablation, you don’t need to go anywhere. You’ll find answers to some of the most popular questions about this treatment below. Is there something else you’d like to ask? You are always welcome to give our team a call!

What conditions can be treated using radiofrequency ablation?

Radiofrequency ablation is mostly used to help with chronic low back and neck pain, but it can also help with other persistent conditions such as knee pain, issues from whiplash, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and headaches and migraines. Your doctor can discuss this treatment along with others during your consultation.

What are the benefits of radiofrequency ablation?

Many patients are choosing radiofrequency ablation because it offers several benefits, including:

  • It has been shown to provide pain relief for nine months and up to two years.
  • It allows a patient to avoid invasive surgeries or strong medications.
  • Immediate pain relief in some cases.
  • Minimal recovery time.
  • Improved mobility, function, and stability.

Does radiofrequency ablation hurt?

The procedure itself is very comfortable when provided by a trained doctor who uses anesthetic. The patient sits or lies down the entire time, and once the treatment area is numb, the doctor will use fluoroscopy to guide the injections. If there is inflammation, corticosteroids may be injected as well to improve comfort. In the end, the patient should not feel the denaturing of the nerve using a microelectrode.

What is the recovery process like?

The entire procedure typically takes a few hours, and because of the anesthetic used, we advise patients to have a friend or family member drive them to and from our office. It can take a month before the full effects of the treatment manifest, but after that, the pain relief should last for about a year or more. The patient will be asked to take it easy for the first few days and avoid rigorous exercise, driving heavy machinery, or entering water (i.e. bathing or swimming).

Are there any side effects of radiofrequency ablation?

As with any treatment, some side effects are expected. With radiofrequency ablation, they can include:

  • Slight bruising or bleeding at the injection site.
  • Mild pain (not related to the treated pain)
  • Leg numbness
  • Allergic reaction to numbing agent or steroid (if used).

Thankfully, these symptoms tend to be minimal and mostly go away on their own after 72 hours at the most. To help, a patient can use a cold pack to reduce pain and swelling. If the patient develops a fever within a few days, then they might have an infection, in which case they should come to see us right away.

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