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Prolozone Therapy – Hollywood, FL

Fast Relief
from Joint Pain

If you struggle with joint pain, you are far from alone. Millions of people across the U.S. suffer from similar discomfort. Many of them turn to medications and other conventional options for relief, but did you know that Prolozone therapy could provide fast relief from joint pain that lasts for years? Continue reading to learn how this form of regenerative medicine can help Hollywood, FL, patients to enjoy improved health and mobility.

Why Choose the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics for Prolozone Therapy?

  • Compassionate & Skilled Team of Medical Professionals
  • Precise Injections to Optimize Results
  • Improve Your Body’s Ability to Heal Itself

What Is Prolozone Therapy?

Doctor injecting solution into patient’s knee

The name of Prolozone therapy derives from a combination of two terms. First, it uses proliferation. Essentially, proliferation therapy (also called prolotherapy) uses a mild irritant to let your body know that something is wrong. It therefore sends healing and growth factors to the site of injured tissues. Ozone is also involved. It increases oxygenation of the targeted tissues and amplifies the benefits of prolotherapy.

Prolozone injections may include other components as well, such as vitamins and minerals. Lidocaine may also be used in order to reduce discomfort associated with the injections.

After the Prolozone solution is injected, it can serve as a powerful vehicle for pain relief. It has the potential to increase collagen production (collagen is an important structure protein that is important for joint function), as well as encourage damaged tissues to mend themselves. Therefore, Prolozone therapy often results in stronger, less painful joints — all without the need for surgical intervention.

What Conditions Can Prolozone Therapy Be Used to Treat?

Man with back pain standing near his desk

Prolozone may be appropriate to reduce pain caused by a number of different musculoskeletal conditions. Here are some specific examples of what it is commonly used to address:

  • Degenerated spinal discs
  • Rotator cuff damage
  • Chronic back aches
  • Sciatica
  • Osteoarthritis of the hips and knees
  • Elbow and shoulder pain
  • Sports injuries
  • Carpal tunnel

Outside of an orthopedic setting, Prolozone has shown promise as a way to treat Parkinson’s disease, dental problems, heart disease, and diabetes. Here at the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics, we focus primarily on its musculoskeletal applications.

What to Expect with Prolozone Therapy

Man running up stairs, enjoying results of Prolozone therapy

A number of studies have shown that Prolozone has a high success rate when it comes to providing long-term joint pain relief. Some patients notice an improvement after just one set of injections in our practice. Others, though, have to return for multiple sessions, spaced a few weeks apart, in order to experience the full benefits of Prolozone.

During your appointments, you can look forward to an easy and comfortable process. We may start by using a local anesthetic to reduce discomfort from your Prolozone injection. Next, the Prolozone solution will be precisely placed into your body. You are likely to notice some soreness and inflammation at your injection site, but that should dissipate within a day or two. Thereafter, you may start to notice the results of your treatment.

Are you eager to learn more about Prolozone therapy and how it may be able to help you? Get in touch with us today to book your consultation.

Prolozone Therapy FAQs

Pile of index cards with question marks on them

The team at the Institute for Non-Surgical Orthopedics in Hollywood, FL, is ready to help you discover the benefits of Prolozone. Before you book a consultation, though, you might want to know more about what lies ahead. We completely understand that, which is why we have compiled the following list of Prolozone therapy FAQs, along with easy-to-understand answers. If you do not find the information you were looking for, please contact us directly.

What Is the Difference Between Prolozone and Prolotherapy?

Prolozone and prolotherapy both operate on the same underlying principle: proliferation. That is to say, both use a mild irritant that lets your body know it should send healing and growth components to the site of damaged tissue.

However, there is a slight difference between these two treatments. Prolozone combines proliferation with ozone therapy, which leads to reduce discomfort, improved oxygen flow, and other benefits that you may not experience with regular prolotherapy.

How Will I Know if My Prolozone Therapy Is Working?

Here are some indications that your Prolozone therapy is doing its job:

  • You notice a reduction in pain.
  • Your joint mobility improves.
  • You have an increased tolerance for physical activities, such as walking, running, and playing sports.
  • You have a lessened need for pain medications.
  • There is a reduction in grinding and clicking within a treated joint.

You may start to notice results within a few days of your injections. However, it is important to remember that some patients have to wait longer to experience pain relief. You might need multiple appointments, spaced several weeks apart, to obtain maximum results from your treatment.

Can I Take Pain Medication to Reduce Discomfort from Prolozone Injections?

Some patients are in the habit of using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) to cope with pain. Medications like ibuprofen, aspirin, and naproxen all fall into that category. Under normal circumstances, it is perfectly okay to use such products in moderation.

However, NSAIDs can interfere with the effectiveness of your Prolozone injections. You should stop taking them 3 – 4 days before your appointment and continue to avoid them for at least 3 – 4 days afterward. That is because even though Prolozone ultimately causes a reduction in inflammation, it temporary increases inflammation as part of your body’s natural healing process. NSAIDs can interfere with that inflammation and therefore lessen Prolozone’s ability to help you.

How Much Does Prolozone Cost?

The cost of Prolozone can vary. During your consultation, we will share some specific numbers with you. Most patients end up paying at least several hundred dollars.

You should not rely on your medical insurance because it does not usually cover Prolozone. However, it is still worth checking the details of your policy.

Most patients find that they are able to fit Prolozone into their budget, and the results they experience reassure them that their money was well-spent.

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